
Featured Highlight

GlycoMIP User Facility installs first two Glyconeers® in U.S.

Meet Gottfried and Ingeborg – fully automated oligosaccharide synthesizers (Glyconeers®) from GlycoUniverse. The Glyconeers® are complemented by a suite of preparative and analytical instruments housed in the MP's synthesis facility that release resin-bound glycans, deprotect, purify, and characterize them.

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A Strategy to Make and Manipulate Magnetic Monopoles by Exploiting Interfaces

Long considered unachievable, magnetic monopoles have been realized in bulk crystals in recent years as ensembles containing equal numbers of monopoles and antimonopoles. In this form, exciting fundamental questions about the existence, properties, and dynamics of individual magnetic monopoles remain unanswered or inaccessible.

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Ultrafast optical melting of trimer superstructure in layered 1T′-TaTe2

The Kaindl group at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab recently reported the ultrafast investigation of 1T’-TaTe2, demonstrating a rapid picosecond melting of its trimer cluster lattice superstructure in the low temperature phase.

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BioPACIFIC MIP Advanced X-ray Available to Users

New X-ray Facility Brings Synchrotron-level Capabilities to BioPACIFIC MIP