
2DCC-MIP Highlights

Resident Scholar Visitor Program (RSVP) 2024

RSVP is a training and professional development program for visiting graduate students and early career researchers to learn on-site at the 2DCC for extended periods.


Emergent interfacial superconductivity at the interface of topology and magnetism

Heterogeneous interfaces that juxtapose different materials have been known to create emergent quantum phenomena. We used molecular beam epitaxy to synthesize heterostructures formed by stacking together two magnetic materials, a ferromagnetic topological insulator (Cr,Bi,Sb)2Te3) and an antiferromagnetic metal, iron chalcogenide (FeTe).


Three-dimensional integration of two-dimensional field-effect transistors

With the escalating costs of developing and manufacturing integrated circuit (IC) chips, methods to vertically stack devices are being thoroughly explored.


Low-Frequency Raman Study of Large-Area Twisted Bilayers of WS_2 Stacked by an Etchant-Free Transfer Method

In this work, we developed an efficient transfer method for fabricating bilayers of WS2 with a controlled twist angle.


Efficient thermally generation of a spin current in a topological insulator

This project studied the thermal generation of spin current in the topological insulator Bi2Se3, thereby completing measurements of interconversions among the full triad of thermal gradients, charge currents, and spin currents.


Nonvolatile Memristive Effect in Few Layer CrI3 Driven by Electrostatic Gating

The potential of memristive devices for applications in nonvolatile memory and neuromorphic computing has sparked considerable interest, particularly in exploring memristive effects in two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials.


Atomic structures and interfacial engineering of ultrathin indium intercalated between graphene and a SiC substrate

Two-dimensional metals stabilized at the interface between graphene and SiC are attracting considerable interest thanks to their intriguing physical properties, providing promising material platforms for quantum technologies.


Growth of Nanometer-Thick –InSe by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Field-Effect Transistors and Optoelectronic Devices

2D InSe is known as moderate bandgap semiconductor with direct to indirect bandgap crossover associated with a topological band alignment in the shape of an inverse Mexican hat when reduced to the monolayer thickness.


Step engineering for nucleation and domain orientation control in WSe2 epitaxy on c-plane sapphire

Epitaxial growth of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) on sapphire has emerged as a promising route to wafer-scale single crystal films for large area device applications. Mirror twins, domains with opposite 0° and 60° orientation, are commonly observed in TMD epitaxy on high symmetry substrates such as c-plane sapphire.


Illuminating mechanisms of epitaxy of 2D van der Waals crystals via synthesis, characterization and theory/simulation

Van der Waals epitaxy, a unique growth mechanism that relies on weak intermolecular forces between the depositing film and substrate, plays a pivotal role in the synthesis of 2D layered chalcogenides such as MoS2, WSe2 and related materials.


MgSiP2: An Infrared Nonlinear Optical Crystal with a Large Non-Resonant Phase-Matchable Second Harmonic Coefficient and High Laser Damage Threshold

Nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals play a crucial role in converting laser light from one color to another using nonlinear optical processes, enabling a wide spectrum of applications such as optical communications, sensing, imaging, spectroscopy, aviation, and security. While they are mainly operational in the visible region, there are only a few crystals that work in the infrared.


Role of Bilayer Graphene Microstructure on the Nucleation of WSe2 Overlayers

Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD)/graphene vertical heterostructures are attractive for optoelectronic and energy applications. However, microstructural heterogeneities in the graphene can impact the TMD nucleation and domain growth.