62 Element Molecular Beam Epitaxy Chamber

 The signature tool in PARADIM’s Thin Film Facility is a fully automated MBE system in which users can select among 62 elements of the periodic table to make the inorganic materials they desire.

Ancillary Synthesis Suite

PARADIM boasts significant ancillary synthesis capabilities to meet user needs. This includes box and tube furnaces, a multizone chemical vapor transport furnace, and a glove box adopted arc melting furnace for air sensitive materials.

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) is the premiere experimental tool for directly accessing electronic structure in quantum materials.

Bulk Crystal Growth Facility

The PARADIM Bulk Crystal Growth Facility is located at Johns Hopkins University. Together with the thin film growth facilities at Cornell, it provides unprecedented capabilities for discovery of new materials and interfaces.

Characterization in Three Dimensions

X-ray microtomography, like tomography and X-ray computed tomography, uses X-rays to create cross-sections of a physical object that can be used to recreate a virtual model (3D model) without destroying the original object.

Electron Microscopy Facility

PARADIM’s electron microscopy (EM) facility leverages and expands on existing capabilities in the Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR, a research center that includes an NSF-funded Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, MRSEC DMR-1719875) giving users access to a unique set of advanced analysis tools for materials characterization. 

EMPAD Detector

High-speed, high-dynamic range momentum-resolved electron microscope pixel-array detector developed by Muller and collaborators


Compared with conventional atomic-resolution STEM imaging techniques, the mixed-state ptychographic approach simultaneously provides a four-times-faster acquisition, with double the information limit at the same dose, or up to a fifty-fold reduction in dose at the same resolution.

FEI T12 BioTwin TEM

A fully motorized tool in electronic microscopy typically operated at 120 kV.

FEI/Thermo Fisher Titan Themis CryoS/TEM 60-300kV

This instrument is capable of imaging inorganic and organic materials at the nanoscale.

Four Circle X-ray Diffractometer (XRD)

Rapid structural characterization of epitaxial thin films is available on-site with a Panalytical Empyrean four circle X-ray diffractometer (XRD), offering high-intensity θ-2θ scans, rocking curves, and a 2-D pixel detector for reciprocal space maps (RSMs).  XRD provides critical feedback of phase purity, film thickness, and structural information to aid in optimizing thin film growth parameters in the MBE

Four Mirror Halogen Floating Zone Furnace

The four mirror halogen floating-zone furnace is a standard optical furnace with homogenous temperature distribution around the horizontal plane. Accessible via the PARADIM-IQM equipment sharing agreement, users can operate it under a pressure of up to 10 bar of gas with options for growing samples under Argon, Air, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and other gases at a temperature of 2200° C. Typical samples are rods, 4-8 mm in diameter and 1-10 cm in height.