High-Throughput Micro-Rheometer

The custom-built microrheology platform enables the rapid analysis of material viscoelasticity and provides insights into microstructure, emergence of phase transitions, material stability, and the presence of intermolecular interactions. The system includes motorized stages for high-speed scanning through multi-well samples, and imaging- and scattering-based tools for detection of material fluctuations or deformations under loading. User-friendly software facilitates rapid post-processing and data analysis.

The microrheology platform is fully integrated onto an inverted optical microscope system (Zeiss Axio Observer) capable of fluorescence (DAPI, FITC, TRITC, DSRed, CY5, and 96 HE), Phase Contrast, Bright-field, and Dark Field imaging techniques. The imaging platform includes six different objectives paired with a CMOS camera capable of 128 fps at full resolution and up to 1000 fps when cropped. Long-term observations of living biological samples are permitted by customized environmental controls (temperature, RH, and CO2).

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